Monday 25 April 2016

Digital Making_123D Catch

123D Catch 

App Installation

Autodesk 123D Catch is an app that allows the user to generate a 3D Model of any object by taking a series of photos from different angles. It will recognise the object through the captured photos and combine them to from a 3D model.

The first step in creating a 3D model is to install autodesk 123D Catch from the app store if you are using your phone. You can make any object of your own choosing. I used the app to render my camera with 3 easy steps.

Before attempting to take photos of the object, you will need to create an account by pressing the plus sign on the top right corner so that all scanned project are stored into the account.

Then begin taking multiple shots of the object in various angles and a full 360 capture of the object making sure each shot is clear and in focus. For faster processing make sure the background is not too cluttered with items and making sure the lighting is good for capturing photos.

It is important to take photos from the top view for the application to work properly.

Wait for the application to process and combine all the images together to form a 3D scanning of the model. It will take 10 - 20 minutes to render for my specific object. Depending on how many images you have, the process time may vary and may take longer for others.

Once this step is finished and the waiting is done, download the stl file form the account previously created on the Autodesk 123D Catch webpage.

It is now ready to import into Mesh Mixer to clean up all the unnecessary and excess pieces such as the surrounding items.

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